By Kevin Schindler
Some of our directors gathered on Friday afternoon to do some work at the Restoration Car
Barn and do a walkabout on the land we soon will be calling ours via the HUD grant that came
our way this year. There is still a lot of work to be done to secure the grant which we will be
going through steps over the next couple of years. The procedure will involve environmental
testing and many civic approvals. Our patience and due diligence will be required, but our group
will come out the other side with the beginnings of an incredible living museum that we all can
be very proud of.
Members started early on Saturday morning, with a strategy meeting about how we would
divide up into three groups to get the weekend’s tasks completed. We were excited to have
member Dan Haneckow come down from Portland to join us for his first time. Group number
One was assigned to strip the boxcar of its siding. Group Two took on the task of fencing off the
Railroad cars and work area and installing owl-netting above to cut down on our feathered
friends droppings and their nests. And finally, the Third group went to work on cleaning up a lot
of leftover debris on the south end, then started repairing and re-sheeting the southeastern
corner of the car restoration barn. Eventually, we will be sealing that end back up again. Not this
trip, but we got a good start on it though. The mid-day break was brought to us by Laura and
June. This gave us a chance to come back together as our larger group to share the stories of
separate work adventures and accomplishments. After the lunch break, it was back at it for the
rest of the afternoon.
We broke at about 4:30 to clean up and gather for our Annual Members Meeting at the
Employee Cottage on Main Steet. Election results were announced, with Elizabeth Cavasso and
me remaining on the Board. Maurice Walker was elected to fill the vacant position. Our directors
went through a review of the Society’s progress for the year. Then it was time to look at the
huge undertaking that is coming our way over the next two years with the HUD grant and other
objectives. After picking up a few people off the floor, just kidding, we completed the meeting
and went off to dinner at the Niles.
Sunday Morning found us again out at the Restoration Car Barn nice and early. After a brief
meeting the three groups headed back out to their appointed tasks. Each group got a lot done in
their particular areas in those two days. Things were brought to a close around noon with many
of the work crew then attending a special private tour of the Modoc County History Museum. A
special thanks to Olene Grivel for providing the tour.
Many more work sessions will be occurring throughout 2025 as we continue to grow and need
to accomplish things around the Restoration Car Barn and with equipment acquisitions. Let us
know if you are interested in helping out. Thank you for your interest and help in advance.